Watch Intro Video

Building Your Business - Together!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Building your Business - Together!

    • How to Get Started!

  • 2

    Start Now! Website Hosting & SEO Management

    • Appliance Heroes - All-In-One Solution For Appliance Service Businesses

    • Appliance Heroes Demo

  • 3

    Zoom Appliance Service Master Class Online Session Link

    • Zoom Link to join Live Master Class Sessions!

  • 5

    Appliance Service Blue Book: Your Solution to Job Rates and Estimates!

  • 6

    Appliance Service in North America Report!

    • Appliance Service in North America Report!

  • 7

    Module 1: Entrepreneurial Leadership & Building a Successful Team Master Class

    • Entrepreneurial Leadership & Building a Successful Team

    • Business Plan

    • Registering your Business

  • 8

    Module 2: Visioning & Environmental Scanning Master Class

    • Toronto Appliances Service - Marketplace

    • Module 2 - Visioning & Environmental Scanning

    • History of the Future (Visioning) - Your Appliance Service Business

    • Milestone 1: Visioning and Environmental Scanning; Business Strategic Planning and Modelling

    • Red Seal - Appliance Repair Analysis

    • Appliance Service in North America Report!

    • Whirlpool Annual Report - 2022

    • 5 Steps to Market Research

    • Appliance Analysis

  • 9

    Module 3: Business Strategic Planning & Modelling Master Class

    • Business Strategic Planning & Modelling Part 1

    • How To Write A Business Plan In 2022

    • Business Modelling for Your Appliance Business!

    • Appliance Service Maintenance Packages to Offer Customers

    • Service Rates for Business Plan + Financial Plan

    • What Is A Business Model Canvas?

    • Business Strategic Planning & Modelling Part 2

    • Reliance Home Comfort Service Pitch

    • How Casper Became A $1 Billion Mattress Start-Up

    • How to Write The Mission, Vision, and Values Statements

    • Business Strategic Planning & Modelling Part 3

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    Module 4: Prototyping and Go-To Market Strategy Master Class

    • Prototyping and Go-To Market Strategy - Part 1

    • Building a Tower - Team Building

    • Prototyping and Go-To Market Strategy - Part 2

    • The Science of Persuasion

    • What is Go-To-Market Strategy

    • Prototyping and Go-To Market Strategy - Part 3

    • Milestone 2

  • 11

    Module 5: Financial Projections Master Class

    • Financial Projections: A Monetary Interpretation of Strategy & Operational Plan

    • Service Rates for Business Plan + Financial Plan

    • Appliance Service Business - Financial Projections

    • How to Build Financial Projections for Your Business

  • 12

    Module 6: Sales & Marketing Master Class

    • Sales & Marketing Presentation

    • Sales vs Marketing Video

    • Sales vs Marketing vs Branding: The Differences

    • Free Marketing Avenues! - Social Media

    • Facebook Marketplace - Free Marketing & Paid Marketing

    • Free Marketing Avenues! - Kijiji

    • Free Email Campaign Website - Mailchimp

    • Craigslist Marketing - FREE

    • Google Ads

    • Google Ads - Launching Your Own Ads

    • Facebook Ad

    • Facebook Audience

    • Toronto Appliance FB Ad

  • 13

    Module 7: Networking, & Pitching Skills Master Class

    • Friendraising, Networking, and Pitching Skills

    • Message Map Video - Forbes

    • Case Study: Appliance Pro's Message Map

    • Shark Tank Sample Pitch

    • Case Study: Alpha Service Pitch Deck

    • Linkedin - Power Your Network

    • Connecting with Global Manufacturers on Linkedin

    • Company Resume for Miele Service Contract

  • 14

    Module 8: Marketing & Promotion Master Class

    • Marketing & Promotion in a Digital Era

    • Top 10 Ways of Online Marketing

    • What is Digital Marketing?

    • Becoming Viral Appliance Service Company to Get More Leads!!

    • What is Search Engine Optimization & How Does it Work?

    • Using AI To Build Your Appliance Business Website SEO - FREE!

    • Creating Your Own SEO Packages - Alpha SEO

    • What is Social Media Marketing?

    • Appliance Service Master Class - Website SEO

    • Email Marketing Campaign

    • Understanding Google Ads

    • Google Ads Case Study

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    Module 9: Building an Organizational Structure Master Class

    • Building Organizational Structure

    • What is organizational structure?

    • Appliance Service Company - Start-Up Organizational Structure

    • Appliance Service Corporation - Organizational Structure

    • What Does a Board of Directors Do?

    • Board Functions and Responsibilities

    • How to Assess a Directors Performance

    • Business Minute Book Requirements

    • Business Liability Insurance

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    Module 10: Raising Money Master Class

    • Module 10: Raising Money Presentation

    • Common Stocks vs Preferred Stocks Similarities and Differences

    • Case Study: RentMoola

    • Case Study: Blueprint Realty

    • Case Study: Andrey Czupiel - Support Trades Campaign

    • Receive Up To $60,000 Towards Your Appliance Service Business!